Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Matias Aguerre

  • Assistant Professor
  • Matias Aguerre
  • Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
  • http://www.clemson.edu/avs/
  • Clemson University
  • 129 Poole Agricultural Center
    Box 340311
    Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0311
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • The overarching objectives of my research program are:
    • Improve nutrient use efficiency in livestock production systems through novel (e.g. low lignin alfalfa, BMR forages, and cover crops), greater and more efficient use of high quality forages in livestock diets.

    • Although some scientific literature have shown that Jerseys may convert feed resources to milk components more efficiently than Holsteins, our knowledge about nutrient requirements of Jerseys and other breeds is incomplete. Thus, identifying differences in forage requirements and overall nutrient utilization efficiency between different breeds (e.g. Holstein vs. Jersey) is an area of considerable interest to increase the efficiency of milk production. In particular, I am interested in determining how changes in dietary forage concentration and type (i.e. corn silage, grasses, and legumes) affects lactation performance, nutrient utilization and excretion, between different breeds.

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