Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Daniel D. Foster

  • Associate Professor
  • Daniel D. Foster
  • Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education
  • http://aese.psu.edu/directory/faculty?utm_source=aese.psu.ed...
  • Pennsylvania State University, University Park
  • Old Main
    State College, Pennsylvania 16801
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Daniel Foster has a life-long mission to serve as a positive change agent. He is driven to facilitating engaged scholarship that curates and stimulates innovation bridging industry, secondary, post-secondary and community-centered learning in food, fiber, and natural resources. Dr. Foster draws heavily from a lifetime of engagement in agricultural education in multiple states and nations to develop scholarship that generates global impact, one student and one community at a time. Dr. Foster’s line of inquiry has focused on developing authentic experiential educational interventions that critically examine global professional pedagogical vision in perspective and practicing agricultural educators at the secondary and post-secondary levels including utilization of disruptive technologies integrated into the learning environment

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