Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia


  • Assistant Professor
  • College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • http://www.uamont.edu/pages/school-of-forest-resources/facul...
  • University of Arkansas at Monticello
  • 346 University Ct
    Monticello, Arkansas 71655
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research program aims to provide a better understanding of southern forest ecosystems response to disturbance and perturbation and promote sustainable forest management practices. The program spans the subject fields of Forest Health & Dynamics, Silviculture, Fire Ecology & Management, Dendroecology, and Community Ecology and focuses on four research areas:

    (1) determination of tree mortality patterns and their causes at stand and landscape scales;

    (2) examination of the ecological consequences of invasive species;

    (3) evaluating forest management impacts on biodiversity, regeneration, and structural complexity at multiple scales; and

    (4) determination of wildfire and prescribed burning impacts on forest vegetation and fuel dynamics.

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