Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    William Kleindl

  • Research Assistant Professor
  • William Kleindl
  • Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
  • http://landresources.montana.edu/
  • Montana State University
  • PO Box 173120
    Bozeman, Montana 59717-3120
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • I have more than 30 years of academic and consulting experience within public and private sectors in the science, policy, and management of aquatic environments, including extensive experience in the assessment, restoration, and management of degraded wetlands and rivers across multiple scales. The goal across my career has been to provide a straightforward analysis of ecological data to facilitate a translation for management application. To accomplish this goal, however, frequently requires complex research guided by testable hypotheses to solve tangible problems that intersect natural and human environments. In general, my research is focused on:

    •Developing ecological monitoring and assessment tools that can be applied multiple scales from site to regional and that address system response to anthropogenic and climate-driven disturbances,
    •Integrating diverse remote sensing platforms with ecological assessment,
    •Integrating ecological systems with sociological and economic systems, and
    •Quantifying ecosystem dynamics, perturbations to those dynamics, and what role those dynamics play in governing ecosystem structure, function, and service.

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