Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Kim Bryceson

  • Senior Lecturer Agribusiness
  • Kim Bryceson
  • School of Natural and Rural Systems Management
  • http://www.nrsm.uq.edu.au/
  • The University of Queensland
  • Gatton
  • PhD
  • 1983
  • Australian National University
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Teaching: Core subjects in B.Agribusiness and M.Agribusiness degrees on `Food & Fibre in the eLandscape`, Managerial Decision Support Systems.

    UQ Excellence in Teaching Award 2004, Australian Awards for University Teaching Finalist 2005

    1) Value Chain analysis and ICT applications in agri-food chains Outputs/Outcomes: Resource text for operational managers on ‘E” Issues in Agribusiness (CABI Publishing, 2006) leading to ongoing agri-food chain developmental work in third world countries with CABI in 2007. Industry reports, academic papers, research partnerships. Ongoing research projects.

    2. Food traceability systems in agri-food chains – audit compliance and automation of traceability systems in agri-food chains as a means of managing supply and inventories, food safety & quality control, and for differentiating micro-markets in relation to subtle quality (credence) attributes. Outputs/Outcomes: Ongoing operational research project with overseas industry partners in the UK.

    3.Sustainability of agri-food chains in relation to their ‘Carbon Footprint’ and Lean Chain management - measurement of economic, environmental and social sustainability expressed as CO2 equivalent per kg of product produced (i.e. Global Warming Potential) by each process in each component of individual agri-food chains with associated methods of reducing waste. Outputs/Outcomes: Industry Case Study to be available to the public through the UK Govt’s DEFRA website as well as academic papers development in 2007.

    4. Information and knowledge dissemination via development of virtual reality environments -Outputs/Outcomes: Published theoretical model of online learning (ESCIE) and Development of the Virtual Reality World Agribusiness Supply Chain Game (VAG) (CD based).

    Contract Research projects (including Commercial-in-Confidence consultancies)

    Value Chain and market analysis, ‘E’ technology and food traceability studies in the following industries:

    1. Australian Grain Industry (Australia, GRDC) (2002/2003)
    2. Organic SoyBean Industry (Australia/ Export potential to Japan - 2002)
    3. Peanut Industry (Australia, GRDC) 2002/2003)
    4. Australian Peanut Industry (Export potential to Italy, Netherlands) (2003)
    5. Export Dry Milk Products (Australia/Vietnam - 2003 6. Cacao Industry (Ghana) (2003)
    7. Australian Guar Industry (Australia / USA / Italy – RIRDC) (2003/04)
    8. Citrus (Mandarin) Industry (Australia / export issues into Vietnam (cold chain) - 2004)
    9. Beef Meat Industry (Australia, Australian Agricultural Company) (2003)
    10. Beef Meat Industry (Australia, Colonial Agriculture Company) (2004/05)
    11. Qld Tropical Fruit (Export potential to China, QDPI) (2005)
    12. Value Added Frozen Tropical Fruits (Singapore/Thailand, (cold chain)) (2006)
    13. Australian Bush Foods (Australia, Desert Knowledge CRC) (2006/2007)
    14. UK Dairy Industry (Lean Chain specialist Cheese production) (UK Foood Chain and Cardiff University) (2006/2007)
    15. UK Dairy Industry (Order and inventory management) (Lynher Cheesemaking, ACTNOW) (2007)

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