North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test: This extension program has been on going since 1958 in cooperation with the NC Department of Agriculture and the Primary Breeders of Commercial Egg Strains, and in August 2000 the 34th flock was hatched and placed. The initial purpose of the test was to provide strain evaluations in a common environment to the producers in North Carolina. However, in recent years, the test and the support it provides has given the industry an avenue with which to examine common problems they may experience with the environment and management of the different strains of leghorns available. This test is the only one of it's type remaining in North and South America and is one of five remaining in the world. The NCLP&MT reports are sent to all the producers in North Carolina and an additional 315 reports are sent to producers and industry representatives throughout the US and 16 different countries. The primary breeders and egg companies are utilizing the test in increasing intensity to compare and evaluate the strains and the different environments, which are imposed upon them