Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Gustavo J. Lascano

  • Assistant Professor
  • Gustavo J. Lascano
  • Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
  • http://www.clemson.edu/avs/
  • Clemson University
  • 129 Poole Agricultural Center
    Box 340311
    Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0311
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Nutrient utilization to improve feed efficiency, reduce metabolic costs of energy and protein, maximize microbial protein synthesis and milk production is the broad spectrum of my research program. The following areas are being studied to accomplish this objective: Understanding the relationships between forage to concentrate ratios, dietary components and mammary gland development and function when nutrients are provided precisely to meet the requirements dairy ruminant animals. Enabling nutrient utilization in ruminants by developing technology to increase their potential use. The use of by-products to replace conventional ingredients based on the production system and geographical location. Using in-vitro and in-vivo methods to identify fybrolytic enzymes, microbial modifiers, optimal carrier methods that enhance nutritional contributions to the animal. Different chemical and molecular approaches for improving our basic knowledge of ruminant digestion are tools are currently being used to undertake this intriguing and exiting area of research. The use livestock production to reduce poverty, effects on climate change, and the implementation of efficient techniques to support sustainable (productive not subsistent) milk production for small farmers around the world

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