Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Ryan Thum

  • Assistant Professor
  • Ryan Thum
  • Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
  • http://plantsciences.montana.edu/
  • Montana State University
  • 119 Ag BioScience Facility
    Bozeman, Montana 59717-3150
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My general fields of interest encompass evolutionary and molecular ecology, with a specific emphasis on invasive aquatic species. My research is rooted in conceptual evolutionary ecology, but aims to contribute conceptual knowledge and understanding to guide practical decision making and solutions regarding invasive species – one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems. Philosophical questions regarding invasive species are complex, and require the integration of scientific discovery in complex natural systems with discovery and understanding of complex human dimensions such as economics and human behavior. Specific questions that motivate my science include: How do we effectively detect and monitor new invaders? How do we balance effort on preventing new introductions versus reducing the spread and impacts of those that are already established? How do we develop environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable management methods? When, where, why, and how will invasive species evolve resistance to management efforts? And, what are the economic ecological, environmental health consequences of resistance?

    Methodologically, projects in my lab utilize field and laboratory studies of aquatic plant growth and management response, evolutionary genetics, and numerical simulation modeling. But projects are not restricted to these techniques alone, and new methods are integrated into the lab through new projects and collaborations that broaden and/or deepen focal areas of inquiry.

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