Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Marc Habash

  • Associate Professor
  • Marc Habash
  • Department of Land Resource Science
  • http://www.lrs.uoguelph.ca/
  • University of Guelph
  • Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research program based in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph focuses on microbial interactions in a variety of environmental systems. These research activities include examining the molecular and culture-based detection of human pathogens (bacterial and viral) and indicator microorganisms from specific environmental niches in natural and man-made environments. This research also includes microbial source tracking studies using Bacteroidales spp. In addition, my research involves collaborative studies to examine microbial biofilm formation including determine the ability of probiotics to form biofilms under different environmental conditions and to assess the proteome of various bacterial species using novel mass spectrometry-based techniques.

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