Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    M.V. Dodson

  • Professor
  • M.V. Dodson
  • http://www.ansci.wsu.edu/personal/homepage/dodson/home.htm
  • Department of Animal Sciences
  • http://www.ansci.wsu.edu/
  • Washington State University
  • PO Box 646310
    Pullman, Washington 99164-6310
  • Ph.D.
  • 1985
  • University of Arizona
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • The long term goal of my research program is to increase the efficiency of lean meat production in domestic animals. My research program is designed to address three main problems. First, I am attempting to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms by which primary, clonal and strain cultures of postnatal myogenic satellite cells are intrinsically programmed, or extrinsically regulated by metabolites and growth factors. Second, I am attempting to define the developmental mechanisms by which satellite cell subpopulations regulate variables of postnatal skeletal muscle growth in domestic animals. Third, I am establishing a defined in vitro system for the definition of the intercellular communication (regulation) between muscle cells and fat cells.

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