Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Hari Krishnan

  • Professor
  • Hari Krishnan
  • Department of Plant Microbiology
  • http://www.psu.missouri.edu/pmap/
  • University of Missouri-Columbia
  • 108 Waters Hall
    Columbia, Missouri 65211
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Hari Krishnan is a research molecular biologist with the USDA-ARS. The goal of his research program is to improve the overall quality of soybean seed composition. He is interested in improving the methionine and lysine content of soybean seed proteins and eliminating anti-nutritional proteins from soybean seeds by molecular biological techniques. Another area of his research is focused on biological nitrogen fixation using the model symbiosis between soybeans and Sinorhizobium fredii USDA257.

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