Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

    Kimberly Rollins

  • Associate Professor
  • Kimberly Rollins
  • Department of Animal Biotechnology
  • http://www.ag.unr.edu/ab/
  • University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1660 N. Virginia Street
    Mail Stop 202
    Reno, Nevada 89557
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research and teaching interests are in the area of Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. I have worked on problems associated with allocation of public goods, mechanisms to align social and private incentives, and non-market valuation. Applied work has provided opportunities for me to work side-by side with ecologists and other natural scientists, policy-makers, resource managers and others working in fields related to natural resources and environment. Some of these applications include: Invasive annual grasses and wildfire, valuation of environmental goods and services, landowner and wildlife conflicts, protected areas in the Northwest Territories, backcountry canoeing in Ontario, Aboriginal fishery management on the Great Lakes, optimal incentives for private users of public forests, management of parks and protected areas, green consumer products, groundwater protection, and municipal water system financing.

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